The Concentration
Our mind controls our body; to master the movements, we must be totally involved in what we are doing and forget the details of everyday life. Pilates is usually practiced in silence or with soft music in the background. It is the teacher's voice and your breathing that give you the rhythm.
The breathing used in Pilates increases the fluidity and intensity of the movement. To breathe correctly while doing Pilates, you must learn to breathe deeply "into the back" by spreading the rib cage. The stomach must remain pulled in during all the exercises and the shoulders relaxed. Deep exhalation through the mouth contracts the deep abdominal muscles. We try to "squeeze out the lungs" while pulling in the lower abdomen. Inhalation through the nose oxygenates the body and relaxes the muscles to better stretch them. Good breathing increases lung capacity, eliminates toxins and helps reduce and control the level of stress, pain and fatigue.
The Center
In Pilates, every movement starts from the “center” of the body, which includes the abdominals, lower back, glutes, and inner thighs. This center is called the “Powerhouse” or “Core.” This center supports the back and internal organs during every movement, like a corset. By working from the inside out, we strengthen the deep muscles to support and enhance the superficial muscles and prevent injury.
The quality of movement is more important than the quantity. To correct posture and produce significant muscular results, each movement must be performed to the maximum physical capacity and according to the anatomy of each individual. The teacher's corrections ensure good body positioning and therefore efficient movement.
The Control
Joseph Pilates believed that performing each exercise without control would not bring the benefits of the exercises. Each movement is important, it is precise, intentional, coordinated, efficient and fluid. To achieve mastery in Pilates one must control every part of one's body at all times.
The Fluidity of Movement
The ultimate goal of a Pilates session is to be able to perform one movement after another with grace and control, like a choreographed dance. Performing the exercises with fluidity helps reduce tension and improve body movement in everyday life.